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'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure',

That's why I have included a list or products to avoid on the main page and products to replace them with to guard and protect your health, mainly by strengthening the Immune system. Because leading a healthy holistic lifestyle, is the best thing we can do to promote health. This means practising healthy habits daily, from diet and exercise to our social habits. Because mankind is composed of body, mind and spirit and each affect each other. It is only western medicine which seeks to disassociate and separate each parts of the whole complete person, wheras Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, for example looks at how the parts affect the whole. And when you read about the Flexnor report, it can probably be understood why western medicine is structured this way. But man is also a social being, so this should also be taken into consideration when looking at health, because, although a healthy body will in turn count towards a healthy mind, there are social factors that also affect mental health, which is why I have also put together a website about communication here:
Also, if we look at the word disease, or dis-ease, it basically means stress, or the opposite to relaxation.
I remember when reading a friend's social care book about 25 years ago now, but what was significant about it was that it had recommendations for health and out of all of them, which including a balanced diet, some form of weight bearing exercise and cardiovascular exercise, the one thing they recommended practising every day, for 20 - 30 minutes, was relaxation, which makes sense. Because the opposite to stress is relaxation and our immune system, nervous system and in fact whole body and brain system functions better when relaxed. That doesn't mean sitting in front of the tele all day unfortunately, it means some form of conscious relaxation like yoga or Tai Chi or meditation for example. For more information on Tai Chi and meditation (full page dedicated to this) see my other website here: 


Cancer is a major issue these days and is on the increase, more and more people receiving cancer treatment than ever before. Well the wisdom of the quote at the top of this page is about focusing on prevention rather than cure, because if we cut out the causes of disease, then there will be no need for a cure. Not to mention the fact that western medicine, because of the way it was designed, which is as a business, doesn't look to remove causes of disease, but rather to temporarily alleviate symptoms. Well if we remove the causes, there will be no disease and no symtoms to cover up. But if we just seek to cover up symptoms, then the disease will always come back, because the cause is obviously still there. This is in no way an attack on doctors, because the intention to help people is there, just unfortunately they were never taught to eliminate the cause of disease and were never taught critical thinking in order to question things. The father of western medicine, Hippocrates, is himself attributed to the saying "let food be thy medicine", yet doctors only learn basic nutrition. They aren't even taught to test patients diets to check how many calories they require and if they are getting the specific amount, in the different types of calorific varities needed, for just basic health, deficiency of which can cause disease. Then there is the fact that we need certain vitamins and minerals in specific amounts, deficiency of which can also cause disease. Thankfully though, at least some doctors will do blood tests which check for vitamin D, B12 and possibly other vitamin deficiencies, but only if their patient is suffering with an illness, which could just as easily be caused by a calorie deficit in one of the three macro-nutrients which they unfortunately don't check for. More about this further down. Most of the info for healthy holistic lifestyle, if not found on this page, csn be found on my home page.

Laetrile or Vitamin B17: 

Ivermection Vs Wormwood AKA 'Sweet Annie'

You may have already heard of a pharmaceutical drug called ivermectin, which people have been using for treating the coronavirus covid-19, but did you know that ivermectin is made from a herb called wormwood, which is sometines also referred to as 'Sweet Annie'? If not, I would urge you first to take a look at the video below and then to take a look at the section about vitamin D and zinc on my 'Covid-19' page, and then, not only my section on 'vitamin D' on the home page, but also the section about 'additives' on that page too and thirdly I would ask "why take a chemical derivative of a herb, when you can take the herb itself?" To which you may reply "scientists/man knows better than God/nature", or "because the pharmaceutical drug uses the 'active' ingredients". In response to those answers I tell you that so called 'passive' compounds found in herbs or plants that 'active' parts are extracted from to form chemicals, aren't actually passive. That label is misleading, those parts of the source material the 'active' compound is extracted from, whether plant or otherwise, do actually have a function, which is to keep the rest of the material balanced. Everything in nature was created balanced, meaning the so called 'chemicals' or compounds which make up the composition of whatever item we are talking about which nature (or God) created, were created chemically balanced, mankind included. With the introduction of man-made chemicals into the environment and our bodies, new diseases were created because of the chemical imbalances created due to these chemicals directly or indirectly being introduced into our bodies, whether through food additives or other chemicals such as detergents, cleaning products, even non-stick products, like Teflon. Take a look at ny section about that on my main page. obviously there are also unhealthy lifestyle habits too. Those can be adjusted through diet (nutrition) and exercise etc. But we have no control over how much chemicals we are subjected to, exceot for those in our immediate environment, which is why I have made a list of 'better choice' products on the main 'home' page. If you also want dietary advice, please send me an email for now, at the address further down the page with the subject line 'Diet' and I will let you know when I either have a page completed for this service, or what action to take next.

(Btw, if you are looking for healthy diet advice, whether you wish you lose weight, burn fat or build muscle, take a look at my nutrition page in the index which is in the top right hand corner of each page of this site).

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Nathan P, All rights reserved 2021
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