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Personal Training/Martial Arts Lessons

To find out more about personal training or martial arts lessons click 'Quick Contact Form' above, or if you're ready to start training, click 'Consultation Form' to fill out the form and follow the instructions that follow so we can get started. Prices start from Â£50 per hour. You can find out more by clicking 'Services Offered'

2010 UK Nunchaku Combat Champion
2010 UK Nunchaku Combat Champion

About Me

Hi, my name's Nathan, that's me in the centre of the photo above. In 2010 as a red belt, and winner of the UK Nunchaku Combat Championship. I have since earned my blue belt btw.

I'm a healthy holistic lifestyle coach though, as well as a martial artist and personal trainer, having studied martial arts for over 25 years.
I have also been asked to do Tai Chi for the Daily Mail (I did the choreography for a promotional DVD) and for a promotional advert for the Mayor's Office. You can also see me practising Tai Chi in an episode of 'MI High', called Op Flopsy, pictured below. 
I'm a qualified Gym Instructor (YMCA Level 2) Personal Trainer (YMCA Level 3) and nutritionist (LOCN Level 3)

MI High Episode 'Op Flopsy'
MI High Episode 'Op Flopsy'

Personal Training, Holistic Health and Self-Defence Sessions

Want to improve, health and fitness along with overall state of mind and wellbeing?
Want to gain confidence, lose weight or build muscle?
Want to learn how to defend yourself effectively and realistically in a safe and friendly environment?
Want especially tailored nutritional and dietary advice?

If you answered yes to any of the above, whether you want to learn self-defence, Tai Chi, or just wish to improve your health and fitness and look good for the beach. I can help and offer the following:
Personalised training and/or nutrition plans
One-to-one fitness sessions, within a gym, outdoors or at your home
One-to-one martial arts or self-defence sessions, within a gym, outdoors or at your home
Group fitness, Tai Chi or martial arts & self-defence sessions.

I believe in a holistic or balanced approach to health, because health is not just about looking good for the beach after all, although if that's what you want, you've come to the right place. But in 1947, the World Health Organisation defined 7 areas or components to health, I try to cover as many of those areas as possible in my approach. Those 7 areas are as follows:

The 7 Components of Health + 1

The 7 components of health I mentioned above, are listed as follows:

1. Physical Fitness (the current page)

2. Mental Fitness

3. Emotional Fitness
(See: https://Conversing101.webnode.co.uk)

4. Medical Fitness

5. Nutritional Fitness
(See: https://health02..webnode.com/nutrition)

6. Spiritual Fitness
(See: https://Tai-Chi36.webnode.co.uk)

7. Social Fitness
(See: https://Conversing101.webnode.co.uk)

I have also added my own to make 8 components to this list:
8. Lawful/political fitness.
(See: https://Law-5.webnode.com)

You'll find out more about each one of these components after filling out the consultation form below, should you desire the positive change and empowerment that I can offer you. Or you can head to the websites I've put below some of them if you're ready to start learning.

Btw, if you are looking for healthy diet advice, whether you wish to lose weight, burn fat or build muscle, take a look at my nutrition page in the index which is in the top right hand corner of each page of this site.


If you seek self-defence lessons, whether one to one or in a group setting, personal training sessions or group fitness sessions, or anything related to health and fitness, feel free to get in touch using the contact form below and I'll call you on the phone, text or email you if you prefer, or you can call or email me (I'm based in Sydenham, London SE26 - contact details below). Or if you wish to start training right away, you should also fill out the consultation form below.

Are you ready to start living a healthier lifestyle?

Then g0 ahead and contact me now using the consultation form further down this page, or if you're not quite ready yet and want further information first, then carry on reading.

Are you contemplating which route is best to take towards a healthier lifestyle or considering the options available?

Evidence shows that exercising with a personal trainer vastly improves chances of achieving your health and fitness goals. Sessions cost more in the short term, but the service saves you time in the long term, due to the knowledge and science based approach a fully qualifed personal trainer like myself will provide you.

How do you feel now and how would you like to feel instead? Let me ask you, how will you feel in 6 months from now after having achieved your health and fitness goals?

How will you feel in 6 months from now if you don't achieve your health and fitness goals?

In fact, I want to know, fill out the consultation form further down the page so that I can find out if you're ready to start making positive changes for your health, however big or small, or if you're not, then what we can do to get you ready to start working towards those goals of yours.

Some of the benefits of exercise, when done correctly include:

Short term (after between 1 session or 2 weeks of regular exercise):

- better concentration levels

- improved mood (from endorphin release)

- a sense of achievement

- better sleep

- reduced stress levels

- social inclusion (in group exercise sessions)

- increased physical and mental relaxation

Long term:

- reduced risk of coronary heart disease

- some decreased cancer risk

- blood pressure normalisation

- improved weight control

- reduced type 2 diabetes risk

- increased bone density

- improved cholesterol ratio (LDLs or bad cholesterol vs HDLs or good cholesterol)

The Health Risks of Inactivity:

Physical inactivity can have serious implications for people's health. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 2 million deaths per year are attributed to physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle could very well be among the 10 leading causes of death and disability in the world.

Sedentary lifestyles increase all causes of mortality, double the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity, and increase the risks of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and anxiety. 60 to 85% of people in the world lead sedentary lifestyles, making it one of the more serious yet insufficiently addressed public health problems of our time.

Among WHO preventative recommendations are moderate physical activity for up to 30 minutes every day, tobacco cessation, and healthy nutrition

Some Benefits of Tai Chi Chu'an:

- reduces blood pressure

- reduces some cardiovascular risk factors including cholesterol and triglycerides

- increases good HDL cholesterol

- slows heart rate

- tunes our electromagnetic energy field to a frequency of 2 - 10 Hz, the same as planet Earth

- helps correct energy field imbalances and biochemical disorders caused by artificially generared EMFs

- induces increased relaxation by switching our autonomic nervous system over from the overworked sympathetic mode to the calming parasympathetic mode

- through slow movement and deep diaphragmatic breathing, acting as a pump or 'second heart' increasing circulation and providing more oxygenated blood and glucose to the brain

- the pineal and pituitary glands are stimulated to secrete more of the neurotransmitters serotonin, melatonin, dopamine and growth hormone and enhancing the 5 senses

- increases white blood cells and therefore strengthens the immune system

- increased circulation also nourishes the vital organs and helps to detoxify tissues by carrying away metabolic waste and accumulated toxins, damaged cells, microbes and even parasites

- promotes circulation of lifeforce energy, or chi, through the acupuncture merideans, in turn enhancing circulation of blood through veins, arteries and capillaries.

- stagnant chi has been recognised by Chinese physicians, as the primary cause of not only disease and degeneration, but also of death, for thousands of years. So you can understand why chi means lifeforce energy

First step Towards A Healthier Lifestyle - The Consultation Form

Having read this far, if you now feel ready to take the next step towards starting, or continuing your journey, towards a healthier, more holistic lifestyle, then fill out the form below, as there are some details I'll need to know before we can start our new relationship together, not only to check comply with medical standards or to be able to deliver safe and effective exercise technique and other health advice, but also to ensure any health programme prescribed by myself is tailored to your individual needs and goals.
Alternatively, if you just wish to get more information, send me a quick message in the 2nd and shorter contact form, further down this page, with the heading 'Personal Training'. The same goes if you wish me to give you a call on the phone. Just remember to add your phone number too though of course

Healthy Holistic Lifestyle Consultation Form:

If you just want to send a quick question or contact request, you can use the contact form below:

Contact Form

(send me a message or alternatively see my contact details further down) 

*By pressing 'submit' above, you agree to be contacted at your email address from time to time with any news that may be relevant. 

Please also be aware that any of your personal data that you share with me, is kept safely in accordance with GDPR, in either gmail by two step password verification, or on another password protected source and is never shared without first asking for your consent (for instance if seeking advice from a doctor or other health professional)


Contact Details:

Phone: 07782174669

Email: Nathanshowreel@gmail.com


Donations are also accepted through PayPal at the same email address above.

Donations in Bitcoin are also accepted at the following QR code:

Nathan P, All rights reserved 2021
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